Know Thyself
Your Potential
Learn to Perform Like Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, and Winston Churchill

About Us
What is a Mystery School
Mystery Schools preserve and protect the ancient wisdom of the world. There was a time when we lived according to this wisdom, but it was “lost” in human history and these teachingswere forced to hide. They contain profound mysteries about life that have been passed down since the time of King Solomon.

About us
What is
a Mystery School
Mystery Schools preserve and protect the ancient wisdom of the world. There was a time
when we lived according to this wisdom, but it was “lost” in human history and these teachings
were forced to hide. They contain profound mysteries about life that have been passed down
since the time of King Solomon.

Achieve Balance

Make Better Decisions

Reach Your Maximum Potential

Transform Your Financial Relationship

Live with Vitality

Enhance Your Relationships
Paths of Knowledge
The University of the Soul
Empower Thyself
Advanced Training for Leaders.
Healers Academy
Restore Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Ritual Master
The Call of the Warrior of Light
Where Do I Start?
Unlock Your Maximum Potential
The progression flow usually begins with the Life Activation session, followed by the Empower
Thyself course and Initiation. This path has been successful for thousands of years in our
Life Activation

Empower Thyself

Who Acquired Our Knowledge

There is no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of oneself
Leonardo da Vinci

Do not fear greatness. Some are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants
Isaac Newton

To know the world, look within yourself. To know yourself, look at the world
Rudolf Steiner

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become
Carl Jung

We are not here to serve the whims of the ego, but to serve the divine essence that resides within us

I want to live each day as if it were my last, every hour as special, and give due value to every person who passes through my life

All battles are first won or lost in the mind
Joan of Arc
It´s Not Us Speaking
What Do They Say About the Mystery School?
Our Headquarters
The Modern Mystery School is a global institution, serving as a beacon of wisdom, illuminating the path for those who seek the truth.