The Modern Mystery School tradition has always recognized and worked with the 11 races of magickal beings that share this planet with humans.

These beings, also known as Elves, Fairies, Mermaids, and so many others, used to live in harmony with humans until they were forced to hide to survive. The world is ready once again to receive this sacred knowledge of our elemental brothers and sisters, sharing their purpose and power with those who hear the calling.

You are invited to know more about who are those races, their role in the evolution of humanity and how we can rebuild harmonious relationships between the 12 races of the Earth.

Find a teacher of the 12 Races of Earth in your area


This workshop teaches tools and techniques to expand your consciousness in a way you can explore the astral planes and other dimensions in a safe and effective way. This class also helps you in your meditation practice.

Find a teacher of Astral Travel in your area

It is now available an Advanced Astral Travel class to those that wish to deepen this practice.
Find a teacher of Advanced Astral Travel in your area.


If you are a seeker wondering about “What is the next step? Where do I go from here?” this workshop opens the doors to the Initatory Path of the Modern Mystery School. You will experience the essence of the ancient teachings, connect with the energy of initiation, learn about the benefits of the path, be guided in meditations and rituals so that you may discern and decide if this path is for you.

Find a teacher of Awaken Thyself in your area.


This 1-day intensive workshop opens doorways to spiritual dimensions where you will connect with your Higher Self, Spiritual Guides, Masters of Light and other beings of Light, expanding your reality and own conection for a deep spiritual wisdom.

You will be guided in shamanic journeys, utilized in the Lineage of the Modern Mystery School to:

  • Learn to differ between your Negative Ego and your Higher Self
  • Strengthen your intuition
  • Conect with your spiritual guides
  • Know Thyself through the 4 elements
  • Receive a animal of power
  • Balance the inner feminine-masculine to divine union
  • Develop your own keys to manifest

You will receive keys to enlightenment, personal empowerment, abundance, creativity and love, that you will be able to take home with you to deepen your practice.

Find a teacher of Journeys of the Spirit in your area.


Psychic habilities, sixth sense, the gift of profecy, clairvoyance – these are some of the names that describe this quality we simply call “Spiritual Intuition”. Intuition is usually defined as “a knowledge that doesn’t utilize racional proccesses”.

Everyone has this innate hability, and we use it more than we know.

In this workshop you will learn about the spiritual senses, how to activate them, strenghten them and build your own spiritual discernment and sensitivity in a safe and confortable way. You will learn techniques and ancient tools that you can use every day to develop your pshychic habilities and work constantly with intuition.

Find a teacher of Spiritual Intuition in your area.


In this workshop you will learn about the 7 Mystery Schools that exist in the world. For thousands of years these schools remained hidden with its doors closed to the public. Associated with the occult, there always has been great mystery surrounding these schools and their practices. People that studied or were associated with these schools were described as extraordinary people that left huge legacies on the planet. The teachings were only offered to royalty and few who where accepted on the Path. Since then, the human consciousness has been changing and reaching new levels and we are now ready to receive these teachings.

You will learn about the location of each School, their purpose on the planet, the energy and the way that each of them work, and so much more.

The Modern Mystery School is one of them. The informations and teachings of this lineage have been kept in a very sacred and protected way until now. Everyone now is ready to receive and apply these teachings, creating a new world that we call Shamballah, a world where we will live in peace.

Find a 7 Mystery School teacher in your area.


Stress doesn’t have to be a part of your life! Understand how to get rid of stress and live a life with joy!

Stress seems to be a daily part of our modern day lives and we know that it is a huge contributor to negative results in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. The more we experience stress, more we are risking to have all kinds of diseases. While it is not entirely possible to live completely stress-free, we do know that a great degree of our stress is optional. In this workshop, you will learn about what causes stress from a metaphysical perspective. You will have a greater understanding of:

  • What is stress and where does it come from?
  • How does stress affect my life and health?
  • How do I begin to minimize the stress in my life?
  • What methods and tools do I have at my disposal to manage my stress?

This workshop will help you understand the nature of stress so that you and your health no longer suffer the impact caused by it and live a life of joy!

Find a teacher of Stress Rescue in your area.

Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil


+55 48 9 9163 4824