
Who We Are

About the

Modern Mystery School

Our Mission

The Modern Mystery School trains leaders to become masters of their personal and professional lives through hermetic teachings, bringing all the potential of the spiritual world into the physical world so that people can achieve more in life, expanding their greater purpose. The School offers a new way of living life.


Lineage is a key and important factor in determining the authority and integrity that a Mystery School holds. The teachings of the Lineage of the Modern Mystery School come from the time of King Solomon, thus having over three thousand years of tested and proven history. The wisdom and power of the Lineage come from the direct transfer of information, preserving the virtue and honor of these teachings.
The integrity of our lineage is preserved through various methods, including certifications, annual recertifications for teachers, and ongoing training at various levels. All Lineages have main key holders, individuals who have the authority to keep the doors of the Mystery School open to the public.
The keys to our lineage are held by the Third Order, who in union maintain the purity of the lineage and its teachings.

Lineage Holders

Sovereign Ipsissimus & Hierophant Gudni Ged Gudnason – Founder

Founder Gudni is an expert in conveying metaphysical and esoteric teachings using analogies and parables. Through humor and fantastic tales, he shares his wisdom. He uses these methods to allow students to have their own insights and practice their discernment.
Born in Iceland, initiated into the lineage of King Solomon in the 70s, Founder Gudni was authorized to open the school in 1997.

"You are an eternal being. You have never been born, therefore you can never die."

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Thor Lanyon

Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave has been the driving force behind the explosive growth of the Modern Mystery School since he joined the lineage in 2004, expanding the school from 12 to 55 countries.
As a guardian of the lineage of the Modern Mystery School in the tradition of King Solomon, he specializes in presenting hermetic and esoteric wisdom in a practical and applicable way.

"Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognizing the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy." – Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon

Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Rei Nakagome

He comes from a Japanese Samurai family, and accesses that amazing power in his work within the Modern Mystery School. When teaching he does so with humor and fun. He brings people an awareness of the beauty and goodness within themselves to inspire deeper healing and empowerment.

"It is easy to be calm when you are meditating. It is easy to visualize when you meditate sitting still. It is easy to think positive while in a temple. Can you be calm, positive, and have clear vision while you are moving through life? The universal life force has to be controlled both inside and outside of you; with this you can have full control over your inner and outer universe." – Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome

Governing Ipsissimas

Governing Ipsissimas
Individuals who have reached the peak of the initiatory path as Ipsissimus, through their years of dedication, service, and mastery, are the leaders of their respective areas of specialization. 

The title and authority granted by the guardians of the lineage and members of the Third Order, Founder and Hierophant Gudni Gudnason, Sovereign Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome, and Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon, these individuals are high-level leaders, master teachers, and initiates who take on many roles.

As pillars of the lineage, who have served with unparalleled capacity, these specific keys of knowledge and power are held by the following women who are initiated in the lineage of King Solomon as Ipsissimus.

They are the Governing Ipsissimas who anchor immense Light for the Modern Mystery School:

Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon, Ipsissimus of Alchemy
Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke, Ipsissimus of Kabbalah
Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome, Ipsissimus of Shamanism
Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason, Ipsissimus of the Royal Way
Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura, Ipsissimus of the Ensophic Ray

Ipsissima Azusa Yoda, Great Oracle
Honorary Ipsissima Sandra Reed


At the Modern Mystery School, we have a group of international leaders who travel the world sharing the teachings of the Lineage.

Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon

Ipsissimus of Alchemy, Council of 12, International instructor

Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard

Ipsissimus of Kabbalah, Council of 12, International instructor

Divina Liza Rossi

Council of 12, International instructor

Divina Kate Bartram-Brown, PhD

Council of 12, International instructor

Divina Rita Van Den Berg, Dra

Council of 12, International instructor

Divina Ann Donnelly, Dra

Council of 12, International instructor

Ambassador Eric Thompson

Ambassador of the Third Order, International instructor

Verla Wade

International instructor

Honorary Ipsissima Sandra Reed

International instructor

Martina Coogan

International Instructor

Kathleen Lanyon

Vice President of Administration, International Instructor

Christina Mars

Vice President of Communication, International Instructor

Erin Wallace

International Instructor

Jordan Bain

International Instructor

Peter Lozano

International Instructor

Sylwester Organka

International Instructor

Aleksandra Ceho

International Instructor

Flavio Gracile

Specialty Teacher

Julia Tiffin

Specialty Teacher

Yoko Maria Tsukada

Certified Professionals

Certified Professionals

There are various professionals certified by the Modern Mystery School. These teachers, Guides, and Life Activators operate independently of the Modern Mystery School and have their own spaces.

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Raio Ensófico Avançado

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Sacred Geometry 1

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Teachers Academy I

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Sacred Geometry 5

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Ensofic Reiki

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Advanced Ensofic Reiki

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Geometría Sagrada 5

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kabbalah for kabalists

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Galactic Activation

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Alchemy I - Alchemy of Life

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Alchemy II - Alchemy of the Mystery School Magicks

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Hermetic Alchemy

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Alquimia de transformación

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Transformation Alchemy

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Geometría Sagrada 1

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Sacred Geometry 2

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Sacred Geometry 3

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Geometría Sagrada 4

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Sacred Geometry 4

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Sacred Geometry 6

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Sacred Geometry 7

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Sacred Geometry 8

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Reiki Ensófico Fundamental

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Reiki Ensófico Intermedio

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Intermediate Ensofic Reiki

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Life Activation

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Life activation

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Sanctuary Meditation

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Heal and inspire

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Iniciar y expandir

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Initiate and expand

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Fortalecer y conquistar

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Strengthen and conquer

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Live Activation

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Spirit activation

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Teachers Academy I

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Teachers Academy II

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Academia de professores II

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Academia de professores I

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Ativação de Espírito

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Fortalecer e Conquistar

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Iniciar e Expandir

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Curar e Inspirar

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Meditações ao Santuário

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Ativação de Vida

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Reiki Ensófico Intermediário

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Reiki Ensófico Fundamental

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Geometria Sagrada 8

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Geometria Sagrada 7

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Geometria Sagrada 6

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Geometria Sagrada 5

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Geometria Sagrada 4

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Geometria Sagrada 3

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Geometria Sagrada 2

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Geometria Sagrada 1

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Alquimia da Transformação

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Alquimia Hermética

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Alquimia 02 - Alquimia das Magias
da Escola de Mistérios

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Alquimia 1 - A Alquimia da vida

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Ativação Galáctica

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Kabbalah para Kabbalistas

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