Latest Past Events

Hermetic Joy September

Hermetic Joy Date September 10th, 2024. Time 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pre-requisites Empower Thyself Required Level of Initiation Adept (Empower Thyself) Location Hilton Morumbi, Av. das Nações Unidas, 12901 São Paulo, SP Hermetic Joy In this course, through Hermetic wisdom and principles, Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave presents important concepts for those seeking to live a […]

How to live a Hermetic Life – September

The Hermetic teachings are universal principles: they are knowledge, wisdom and truths that transcend time and space.
Applying them to your life means taking SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, and understanding your own actions and your own power in the world.

Healers Academy – September

Healers Academy 1 Date September 4-8th, 2024 Time 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pre-requisites Empower Thyself, Sacred Geometry I, Astral Travel, Journeys of the Spirit, 12 Beings of this World Required Level of Initiation Empower Thyself Location Hilton Morumbi, Av. das Nações Unidas, 12901 São Paulo, SP Healers Academy 1 At the foundation of the […]

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Sacred Geometry 1

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Teachers Academy I

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Sacred Geometry 5

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Ensofic Reiki

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Advanced Ensofic Reiki

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Geometría Sagrada 5

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kabbalah for kabalists

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Galactic Activation

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Alchemy I - Alchemy of Life

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Alchemy II - Alchemy of the Mystery School Magicks

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Hermetic Alchemy

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Alquimia de transformación

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Transformation Alchemy

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Geometría Sagrada 1

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Sacred Geometry 2

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Sacred Geometry 3

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Geometría Sagrada 4

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Sacred Geometry 4

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Sacred Geometry 6

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Sacred Geometry 7

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Sacred Geometry 8

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Reiki Ensófico Fundamental

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Reiki Ensófico Intermedio

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Intermediate Ensofic Reiki

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Life Activation

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Life activation

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Sanctuary Meditation

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Heal and inspire

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Iniciar y expandir

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Initiate and expand

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Fortalecer y conquistar

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Strengthen and conquer

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Live Activation

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Spirit activation

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Teachers Academy I

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Teachers Academy II

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Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Academia de professores II

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Academia de professores I

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Ativação de Espírito

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Fortalecer e Conquistar

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Iniciar e Expandir

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Curar e Inspirar

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Meditações ao Santuário

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Ativação de Vida

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Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Reiki Ensófico Intermediário

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Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Reiki Ensófico Fundamental

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Geometria Sagrada 8

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Geometria Sagrada 7

Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Geometria Sagrada 6

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Geometria Sagrada 5

Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Geometria Sagrada 4

Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Geometria Sagrada 3

Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Geometria Sagrada 2

Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição

Geometria Sagrada 1

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Alquimia da Transformação

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Alquimia Hermética

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Alquimia 02 - Alquimia das Magias
da Escola de Mistérios

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Alquimia 1 - A Alquimia da vida

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Ativação Galáctica

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Kabbalah para Kabbalistas

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Preencha seus dados abaixo para realizar sua inscrição