The magick of Kabbalah is revealed through a glyph or symbol, the Tree of Life. By studying this Tree, we elevate the experience of our own life to a higher awareness and perception. In the 10-month Kabbalah study, your teacher will facilitate a journey that will allow an introspective view of your life, thoughts, actions, and emotional patterns as you ascend the Tree of Life, bringing you closer to God and your own divine nature.
The Kabbalah ascension course is the most powerful system on the planet for eliminating subconscious limitations, reorganizing your mind’s functioning, and learning to manifest like a master. It is a truly transformative system. The Tree of Life is the map of who you are and how to manifest your best version in the world.
In the Kabbalah course, we do not just teach about Kabbalah; we teach the tools for LIFE. You learn by LIVING Kabbalah!