This is a Magickal class where you will have the opportunity of accessing your true essence, unveiling keys that are part of your purpose here on earth. When we align the mind, the word and the heart, we live a life in integrity.

. You will receive tools to access the clarity and the silence of the mind, that allow us to access unlimited possibilities.

. You will have the opportunity to fill yourself with the energy of the heart, the healing potential of love.

. You will learn about the power of the word, the first form of manifestation here in the physical.

Access your inner wisdom through this 3-day intensive workshop, where you will be guided to the spiritual wealth that lies within your inner reality.

Through meditation, reflection and self-expression, you will dive into tools and energetic teachings that will GREATLY assist you to know yourself and progress in your personal spiritual journey.

It is about KNOWING THYSELF from within, so that you can fully express your life purpose.

At the end of these 3 days, you will receive the Shambalah Initiation – to receive the new energies of Shambalah.

The class and Initiation Know Thyself is also the doorway to advanced teachings in the Modern Mystery School tradition, because it is through service to others that you know yourself more deeply.


Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

+55 48 9 9163 4824