We are a Mystery School that believes in the empowerment of every human being, to live a life of peace, joy, success, abundance, harmony and alignment with your individual purpose. We believe that the discovery of the individual potential is a part of the experience of life and is part of the growth, both spiritual and physical.

The motto of the Mystery School is “Know Thyself”, and through the wisdom of the Lineage of King Salomon, its activations and initiations, the Modern Mystery School offers tools, teachings, healings and classes that encourages the student to know themselves. This profound journey of self discovery is facilitated by MMS in sacred spaces. Through the study of methaphysics, spiritual practice and service to humanity, the initiate can dive into the layers of the self and go back to the conciousness of their divine nature and purpose here on Earth.


The Modern Mystery School is an international institution, that is present in several countries. The Western International Headquarters is located in Toronto, Canada. The Eastern International Headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan. The other Headquarters are located in Brazil, United Kindom,South Africa, and United States of America.

Initiates from all over the world meet to expand their conciousness, knowledge and service to humanity.

The brazilian Headquarters is located at Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. Besides being an administrative HQ, it offers events, classes and energy healings of the Lineage of King Salomon to assist you on your spiritual journey. We offer two International Programs annually, with advanced classes taught by International Instructors.

Contact the Modern Mystery School South America , and we will put you in touch with a Guide, Teacher or Certified Professional in your area.

Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

+55 48 9 9163 4824