The Modern Mystery School is in service to all humanity to help uptlift the human conciousness on this planet. The mission of the Modern Mystery School is World Peace and the Lineage Holders of this lineage have been working torwards that for more than 3000 years. The purpose of the School is to assist people on reaching their highest spiritual potential to become Adam Kadmon: divine beings in the physical. The School provides tools and essential knowledge so that people empower themselves and realize that they are their greatest teacher, and remember who they are.

The School brings forth the work of the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT in this planet and is responsible for honoring, preserving and handing down the tools and teachings of the Lineage of King Salomon. This is done through Initiations and handing down the sacred tradition. The Modern Mystery School works to conect the physical and the spiritual world through anchoring and flow of the energy of abundance.


The Modern Mystery School will bring about the creation of the new Shamballah on this Earth for the highest good of all beings.

Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil


+55 48 9 9163 4824