In any initatiory system there is a “Path of Progession”, or, in other words, steps you can choose to take to follow the tradition of the Modern Mystery School in the search for more light and knowledge. Each step is completely optional, although there are a few prerequisites and requirements to some of the steps along the way. Some initiations are by application only, to make sure that you are fully aware of each choice you make to continue your studies.

This image bellow is a visual representation of how the Path of Progression unfolds, step by step. The time you spend on each step is unique, and no one is under any obligation of continuing to the next step.

Consult with a Certified Guide or contact us to find out more about how the Path of Progression can assist and empower your spiritual life and life purpose!


Avenida Pequeno Príncipe, 1482, loja 03 – Campeche, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

+55 48 9 9163 4824